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What incentives does the state have for environmentally friendly products and equipment?
datetime:2019-12-09   Hits:2049

       The implementation subject of circular economy and every citizen, every family, every community, every enterprise, every district, and even the entire Chinese nation. For example, a family's energy-saving, water-saving, leather goods classification and other activities: energy saving of an office building, the use of copy paper on the front and back, the repeated use of the West Drum, the use of reclaimed water, etc. , The use of industry, community-based skin sorting and recycling, the use of solar energy, etc., these activities can occur the effect of the system's material flow decline, because the ratio is attributed to the field of circular economy. As China's industrialization and regional marketization have not yet ended, material reduction in economic activities cannot be completed unless it is no longer opened, which is contrary to the starting point of our advocacy and promotion of circular economy. In other words, the key to promoting the opening of the circular economy should not be placed in a narrow sense. The so-called narrow circular economy refers to the field of opening up the economy through the reuse and recycling of discarded objects, which is equivalent to the waste economy. The field of friendship and economics. Japan's proposed recycling-oriented society focuses on the reduction of discarded objects. , Reuse, and recycling, the corresponding is the "venous industry." The so-called intravenous industry "refers to the industry consisting of coiled waste, and is related to the" arterial industry, "the" arterial industry "refers to Development of industry using natural resources. Environmental protection parts

       From the date of economics extension, resource allocation, especially the allocation of scarce resources, is the policy of economics research. With the gradual scarcity of the living environment, it is not uncommon for economics to extend the policy under discussion to the ecological environment.

       Environmental economics. The reason why each government is required to promote the opening of the circular economy is because it touches on externalities. Welfare economics tells us: if the production or consumption of a product brings a cost that cannot be reflected in the market price, an external effect will occur. "Externality refers to the production and consumption of some products will not Enterprises or individuals directly involved in such activities bring harmful or beneficial effects. The beneficial effects during this period are called "external economy", otherwise they are external diseconomy ". The ecological environment is older than public goods. As the environment of public goods, the non-contested nature of consumption is leading to the overuse of the sadness of the commons, and the non-exclusive nature of consumption often leads to the free-spirited psychology. By opening the loop economy, the use of power in the advancement of natural sources can also reach the intention of maintaining the environment. Environmental protection accessories

       On May 10, 1965, Kenneth Ewert Boulding, an American scholar, proposed in the article "Earth AS A SPASH SHIP" that people should not consider the earth as a waste field. Is a member of the ecosystem, and uses words such as recycle its wastes and circular-flow, human livelihoods depend on all elements and people on the Sanji ecosystem with closed-loop characteristics. Symbiotic contact. Instead of using the term circular economy, centrally planned economy was used. In 1966, Erding announced the article "The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth". Meanwhile, he proposed that the "future spaceship earth economy" is similar to the "astronaut" economy. The word Earth is a lone sheep The spaceship has no infinite material storage, neither excavation nor pollution. It is necessary for human beings to find their place in the cyclic ecological system for material re-production. Boldinginby is considered to be a philosopher of love and love, and a scholar in China. Considered to be the earliest advocate of the idea of ​​a bad economy. Environmental accessories

       The opening of circular economy in China

       Coiled forward resources use power China has done a lot of work

       The first is the general use of industrial discards. Encouraged by policies such as tax reduction and exemption, some Chinese enterprises have opened up the recycling or recycling of economic resources in enterprises through re-training of mines, making bricks or firing cement, recycling of reclaimed materials, and reuse of cooling water. In 2003, the total value of the three industrial wastes was 40 billion yuan, and the generalized utilization rate of industrial waste dropped to 53%. In the meantime, the general utilization rate of fly ash is about 65%, and the approximate utilization rate of coal grinding stone is about 56%.

       The second is the reuse in the production and consumption process. Regardless of the production area or the consumption area, China has repair troops engaged in machinery, electrical appliances and other products. Some companies have opened packaging materials, such as recycling and recycling of glass containers, cardboard boxes, and turnover boxes. In recent years, we have thoroughly studied and practiced the re-production of Zuoyou ’s car engine and anti-old mechanical and electrical products. On the one hand, the recycling of resources has been completed, and the power of Ziyuan has been advanced. The supply after production can be said to serve multiple purposes. In addition, the state has also encouraged the opening of second-hand goods malls and made full use of Japanese goods to reduce the demand for low-income consumer collectives. In recent years, the state has increased its efforts to promote the opening of circular economy.

       The third is to arrange a pilot demonstration. China has opened up circular economy pilot operations on three levels. Promote clean production at the enterprise level: create eco-industrial parks in industrial parks; open the first circular economy and city trials, and get initial results.

       Promote the opening of ecological industry. In industrial meeting areas and economic development zones, open up ecological industries. In these parks, the original arrangement of the root ecology is produced, making the upstream enterprises 'materials into the downstream enterprises' materials, extending the production chain, ending the useful distribution of the source between the cities or enterprises, and minimizing the amount of leather, "Zero emissions." The State Environmental Protection Administration has now approved 14 various types of eco-industrial industrial parks. Jiangyan's economic development zone has special features, and Shanghai's recycling of waste boxes constitutes the industrial chain. These practices are worthy of being summarized and promoted in waste-free areas.

       Laws and regulations and offensive policies invented the institutional environment for the opening of the circular economy

       First, Fawei's laws and regulations have been continuously improved. The "Clean Production Promotion Law" and "Environmental Impact Assessment Law", which came into effect on January 1, 2003, all put forward requirements for opening up related aspects of the circular economy. Article 3 of the "Environmental Prevention and Control of Pollution by Solid Wastes" revised in 2004 puts forward: The state shall prevent and control the pollution of the environment by physical wastes, and shall reduce the occurrence and harm of solid wastes, make full and reasonable use of physical wastes, and harmlessly dispose of physical wastes. "Guidelines for promoting clean production and the opening of the circular economy." The state has also issued a medium- and long-term plan for energy conservation. ”And other regulations have been issued. Local regulations have also been issued in various places. By 2003, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Jiangsu, and other cities such as Shenjiu and Taiyuan had formulated local clean production policies and regulations. Guijiu City issued and implemented "Guiyang City Eco-City Law of Recycling Economy." These have laid the foundation for promoting the opening of the circular economy in accordance with the law. Environmental protection accessories

        In addition, relevant national arrangements have opened up many theoretical and practical discussions. The Central Finance and Economics Leading Group Office set up a "research on the position and measures of circular economy in China's Ziyuan battlefield" in the 2004 severe project discussion. Discussion on the Ten-Five-Year Plan for Creating a Thrifty Society. Our Environment and Opening International Cooperation Committee opened a special seminar on clean production and the box economy. In the national mid- and long-term scientific and technological open-plan battle, the scientific and technological issues of ecological manufacturing, environmental maintenance, and circular economy were listed as topics. The Ministry of Science and Technology supported the project, and the State Environmental Protection Administration opened a soft science seminar on the technical support system for circular economy.

       China's opening of a circular economy has also attracted great attention from the international community. The box ring economy has become a priority area for international cooperation projects. For example, international banks support the National People ’s Congress to open a circular economy legislative framework, support the State Environmental Protection Administration ’s policy to open a circular economy, and Germany ’s practice to support the circular economy in Guiyang. All these will lay the foundation for the opening of China's cyclical economy.

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